LEFT/RIGHT arrows to move
SPACE to jump
Hooray you found the hidden path!
Here's the source code for this portfolio game.
A JavaScript game engine, written with a touch of WebGL. Supports a lighting system, physics, multiple cameras, layer management, and particle effects.
Tech: JavaScript, WebGL
Using the Dog CEO API, I pull images of dogs into a React app, and allow users to like and tweet their favorite pups.
Frameworks: React, Dog CEO API, Wikimedia API, Reactstrap
This is a wildlife photo blog where I share my pictures and stories of animals I find while hiking. I use Strapi to upload my photos and the iNaturalist API to populate the page with where and when the picture was taken.
Frameworks: Gatsby, Strapi, Typescript, GraphQL
I took sales data of freshwater ornamental fish, and mapped the price changes over time and by category using D3 on the front end, and Phantom.js on the backend.
Frameworks: Node.js, Phantom.js, Casper.js, Firebase, Heroku
I made a game about my fish Harold. After recording a popular song about him, I decided to further develop the mythology of him by making a game.
Frameworks: requestAnimationFrame, Object Oriented Programming, Collision Physics, HTML5 Canvas, JSON
Good jump! Here's some music I made
A Phaser, React, and Redux JavaScript genetics simulator.The simulation explores manipulating different genes (colors, shapes, stems) for flowers and seeing what grows.
Frameworks: React, Redux, Phaser