Pong Plus
A pong clone made with HTML5's Canvas. I use the prototypical method of object construction and my own MV* method to update the scores. You can read about my process here.
Frameworks: Bootstrap, jQuery, MVC, Prototypical Object Construction,
Based on a Udacity project, I expanded upon my original work to make it more like a game. The player has a "choose your own adventure" style map. Choices are based on a typical day off in Port Douglas, where I spent several months working.
Frameworks: Bootstrap, jQuery, knockout.js, Google Maps API, Open Weather API
Angular Bookstore
My first entry into the world of Angular. This is a book "store", showcasing a few of my favorite books. I give my take on why the book is one of my favorites and then I pull data from Google Books to provide a description, specs and images.
Frameworks: Angular.js, Google Books API, JSON, Bootstrap
Here's my resume, hosted on GitHub Pages
Frameworks: Bootstrap, jQuery, JSON, Google Maps API, GitHub Pages